Wife to Frank and momma to Lennon, Barrett & Reeves.
My babies & family are my whole world. I have lived in Tennessee my whole life & I'm a huge family person. I love random facts, people that are real, music, cooking, trying new food, candles, Halloween, and spur of the moment plans. I despise most forms of adulting, compulsive liars, shopping in person, schedules, small talk, and knowing that I "have" to do something.
Even though I’ve had a camera in my hand ever since I was a little girl, having my first baby almost 15 years ago is what inspired me to turn that love into something more. Having my own photography business was never part of my life plan, but heyyyy, here we are!
The older I get, I realize I really am a hippie/free spirit. I am a true aquarian and get inspired by freedom, music, art & pretty words. I have such an open mind about pretty much anything except for people that abuse children, animals or the elderly, people that make noises while chewing, & those that pronounce the ‘H’ in the word herb ;)
Photo by La Boutique Photography & Makeup Artistry
—butterflies rising